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3 Co-Parenting Tips to Protect Your Interests

sad family

Everyone struggles with parenting, even married couples. This is why it makes it that much more difficult to parent when a couple gets divorced or separated. Sharing custody between two homes can quickly become a challenge after a couple splits up. However, there are methods and strategies that you can implement to make the process easier for everyone.

Think Before Reacting

It’s likely that your ex will say something that gets under your skin. When this happens, it’s important you do not react. In the co-parenting relationship, it’s your right to set boundaries to keep the lines of communication open.

For example, when your ex says something to frustrate you, you can simply respond with “Can I call you back later?” In most instances, those moments between the offensive act and your response will provide you with the time you need to reflect on your own state of mind. Most importantly, it could provide you with enough time to get back in touch with your own values.

Structure and Consistency is Key

Conflicts tend to increase when one or both parents stop following their co-parenting schedule and opt for something more casual and unplanned. However, it's best to have a clear, well-defined plan in order to avoid these problems.

Additionally, children should always be aware of where they will be staying and when, as well as who will be picking or dropping them up from school. Once this plan is created, it's best to try to stick to it and be consistent.

Creating a Parenting Plan

A parenting plan is an agreement that you and your ex make to determine how to raise your child. It can include:

  • State how birthdays, holidays, and other events are shared
  • How transitions between homes are set up
  • How medical care is provided, like the primary care provider and insurance for example.

Essentially, the plan summarizes how decision-making is shared regarding the education, health, and well-being of the child of divorced or separated parents. One last thing that should be covered in the plan is clauses stating what to do in the event of an unexpected situation like one parent relocating and moving away.

Co-parenting is a learning process, but with time, it does get easier. If you are facing legal troubles with your family, Marmolejo Law, APC is here to help. Call our Marina Del Ray family law attorney today at (310) 736-2063 for more information.

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