Can My Spousal Support Be Adjusted?

spousal support in envelope

As you seek financial independence and begin working towards your freedom, you may need spousal support to help support you. If you are granted spousal support, but there is a significant change in your income, you may be concerned about how you will continue to fund your lifestyle. Our spousal support attorney at Marmolejo Law, APC shares how spousal support can be modified.

Significant Change In Financial Situation

To request a motion to modify spousal support, you will need to prove a significant change in your or your former spouse’s financial situation.

A significant change can include:

  • Loss of income or employment,
  • Decrease in income, or
  • Increase in income.

A significant change only needs to occur for one party when requesting a spousal support modification, so you do not need to wait until there is a change in your former spouse’s situation if you have been promoted or lost income.

Requesting a Modification

If you believe there has been a significant change in your financial situation or are unsure if your circumstances would qualify, you should contact a trusted family law attorney. The attorney can review your situation and help determine if you are eligible for a modification. From there, they can help you compile evidence and begin your motion for modification of your spousal support agreement.

Marina Del Rey Spousal Support Attorneys

Seeking financial freedom following your divorce can be a stressful process, especially if you return to work following a gap in employment. Our spousal support attorney at Marmolejo Law, APC can help you seek and adjust spousal support following a significant change in your financial situation.

Did you see a significant change in your financial situation? Do you believe your ex-spouse saw a significant increase or decrease in salary? Schedule a virtual consultation with our team today by calling (310) 736-2063 or contacting us online to learn more about how we can help you seek financial independence.
